作为一个快速增长的经济体, 西班牙 is among the ten most attractive destinations in the world for direct investments by companies from abroad. 它也是欧洲第三大绿地项目接收国. 与工业生产率的提高相结合, 这为日博备用网站公司创造了许多有趣的机会.


很长一段时间, 日博备用网站企业已经进入伊比利亚半岛, 如今,有550多家公司在该地区设有办事处. Thanks to 日博备用网站’s good reputation, there is a strong demand for Swedish goods and services. Especially for efficiency-enhancing 信息通信技术 solutions in the private and public sector, 我们看到了进入西班牙日博备用网站的巨大潜力. 其他重要的部门是化学工业, 银行, 航空航天和汽车, 医疗保健和生命科学, 基础设施和能源.


Spanish companies have a strong strategic position in key sectors in Latin America. A network in 西班牙 may facilitate market entry over there and can also accelerate growth for Swedish companies. 因此, many international companies choose 西班牙 as the location for their Latin American headquarters. 然而, establishing your business in 西班牙 can involve a few challenges in terms of bureaucracy and language barriers, as you will read below in the short talk with our country manager 莎米拉Grylin-Allalou.


日博备用网站商业公司已经在西班牙经营了30多年. Our office is centrally located in Madrid and offers support and advice to Swedish businesses in both 西班牙和葡萄牙.




伊比利亚半岛是一个潜力巨大、前景广阔的日博备用网站. Especially 西班牙 has experienced a strong recovery after the economic crisis of 2008-2014. A presence in 西班牙 often functions as a springboard to kick off business activity in Latin America. 在这方面,日博备用网站公司还有很多未开发的潜力. 有趣的行业是汽车和航空工业, 信息通信技术, 医疗行业, 能源部门和制造业. Portugal is especially interesting for Swedish businesses in the textile industry who want to scale their production within the EU.


西班牙和葡萄牙都是欧盟成员国, so we don’t see any major obstacles or risks when expanding your business in these countries. The main challenges for Swedish companies are related to bureaucracy and language barriers. 没有基本的西班牙语知识,在西班牙做生意可能会很困难. 然而,在葡萄牙,大多数人都能说一口流利的英语.


Both 西班牙和葡萄牙 are more bureaucratic than what we are used to in 日博备用网站. Expect to invest a lot of time in getting in touch with the right contact persons, 尤其是在一个组织的高层. 坚持、计划和长期战略是关键. Growing your network in 西班牙 is based on establishing solid personal relationships. That's why local presence in the market is the most efficient way to push your business forward. 

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